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Rentals start as low as $10.


Locations around Glacier
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Glacier National Park

Locations around Yellowstone
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Yellowstone National Park

Bear Spray Rental Kiosk

How it Works

Bear Spray Shack is similar to your favorite red movie rental box but for bear spray. You can rent AND return our Mace bear spray canisters straight at the rental machine. We geek out on technology, and the programing behind Bear Spray Shack validates that every canister rented will be un-sprayed, at full volume, and safe for re-distribution.

We’ve coded out human error with our rental machines by using machine vision, scales, and our figurative secret ingredient: technology that identifies if the canister has been sprayed before it even gets weighed. This three-step validation process is what makes us different than anyone else on the market.

Our moms think we’re geniuses, but we just think we’re making the safest, most reliable and affordable option on the market.

Walk-up Rentals

For the free spirited and the spontaneous ‘outdoorsy’ people who fly by the seat of their hiking pants, answer when nature calls them unexpectedly, and don’t take life too seriously–unless in this case it’s yours.

Any Location Drop Off

Multiple 24/7 Shack locations means returning your can of bear spray has never been easier. Even if you’re out exploring nature from dusk to dawn, you can conveniently return your rental to any location, any time.

Coming 2025 - Online Reservations

For the practical, precise humans that are uber responsible. The salt-of-the-earth, used to ordering ahead types of ‘outdoorsy’ people.

Don’t Skip the BS

Rentals start as low as $10.

Bear Safety

When it comes to preserving your safety, peace of mind, and outdoor wildlife playgrounds at large, we believe that arming yourself with bear spray shouldn’t be a complicated or costly process.

Grizzly bear outdoors
West Yellowstone Shack

How To Use
Bear Spray

If you’re not sure where to start with bear spray, we’ve got some tips and a step-by-step guide for how to use it that will make your life a lot easier—and maybe even save it!

Follow us. Or don’t.

Check out our Instagram for cool pics, giveaways, and captions that our moms brag about to their friends.

#dontskipthebs #fortheoutdoorsypeople

  • Mr. and Mrs. Bear Spray Shack met the biggest celebrity there is! Smokey Bear! I think this means we’re officially (see: not even close to officially) Smokey approved!
  • Seems like every time we are servicing our machines we get these questions, and we LOVE IT! We love that people are curious about us and this super novel idea. It's your stoke that keeps us going! (and our paying customers... bills aren't paid with stoke, sadly) . What most people don't know is it is literally just two people at this company handling everything... Not too shabby eh? . Got any more questions? Hit us up in the comments!
  • Huckleberries can make up to 15% of a bears diet. Imagine how grumpy you'd be if someone barged in and started picking at 15% of YOUR food. . Be bear aware out there when picking huckleberries. . 1. Make noise while picking to let bears know you're around. 2. Bring a friend! Groups are statistically safer than individuals. 3. BE AWARE!! Never stop checking your surroundings for bears or bear signs. 4. Don't go at dusk or dawn. These are the times bears are most active. 5. Carry bear spray! Know how to use it, and don't be afraid to use it! You have a 98% chance of being uninjured in a bear encounter if bear spray is used. Those odds go down to 56% if using a firearm. 6. Don't hoard all the berries for yourself. This isn't about being bear safe, this is just about not being rude.
  • We get asked a lot “where do I return?” … Well … Where do you WANT to return? Any of our kiosks can be used to return a can from any other kiosk. Going from Yellowstone to Glacier? Don’t want to rent twice in two different towns? Then don’t! The Shack has your back!!
  • So we wanted to wait to see if any more details came out about this attack as we thought it might be an opportunity to discuss what went wrong. . Brief recap, this gentleman was out at dusk picking huckleberries by himself when he was attacked in what appeared to be a defensive encounter by a female bear. There has been no update on if cubs were present. The man was then able to shoot the grizzly bear killing it but not before sustaining serious injuries as a result of being mauled. . Ways to avoid this: 1. Be aware of your surroundings at all times when in bear country. Early detection of a bear is your absolute best defense. 2. Bring a friend. People are SIGNIFICANTLY less likely to be attacked as group numbers increase. When you get to 4 or more people bear attacks are basically non-existent. 3. Bring bear spray. It has been proven through hundreds of encounters that even if you are attacked, the attack is less severe if bear spray was used on the bear. It has also been shown that your outcomes when using a firearm are equal to do nothing at all. From news reporting it sounds like the bear was killed AFTER the man was already mauled. The goal is to STOP the mauling before it begins. Bear spray is your best bet for that. 4. All the previous points are even more important if you are going to be out at dusk or dawn. These are the times bears are the most active. 5. And then all the previous is even more important if you are going to be around a bears food source. Remember, the vast majority of a bears diet is NOT meat based. It is made up of largely plants, fruits, tubers, vegetables, and insects. So going into an area dense in these food sources will put you at increased risk. If it's easy for you to get, it's easier for the bear. Bears are lazy. . Keep all of this in mind in when recreating in bear country. It could very well save your life.
  • A sad outcome of a bear encounter. We never want to see people or wildlife killed or injured in these situations. Which is why this is a bummer for us. This bear was doing what bears do when surprised. They will defend themselves. This only becomes more possible around food sources such as berries. . This is why proper bear safety measures are so very important. Make noise when in the wild, keep an eye out for signs, and carry bear spray so that no animal has to die. Even if a bear charges you, bear spray is still highly effective. . As we learn more information about this we will continue to address any areas where people can learn from this incident.